College Counseling Team Hosts Back-to-School Application Workshops for Seniors

The Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) Workshop will take place from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 13, in the Upper School Schwartz Room.
The SRAR allows students to self-report courses and grades that have been completed, or will be attempted (e.g., senior year courses in-progress), for high school credit and replaces high school transcripts during the admission review process. More than 30 universities use the SRAR, and students can complete the form once and then share it with any of these users.
Seniors interested in applying to Baylor University, Clemson University, NYU, Louisiana State University, Texas A&M University, or the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will not want to miss this workshop. Participants need to bring a charged laptop.
Additionally, the College Counselors will host the Texas A&M and UT Austin Supplemental Essays Workshop from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, August 16, in the Upper School Schwartz Room.
Again, seniors need to bring a charged laptop and will benefit from targeted, school-specific guidance related to tackling Texas A&M and UT Austin’s short-answer prompts.
With regard to this year’s admission cycle, Texas A&M’s process remains unchanged, and applicants will continue to apply with or without test scores. All FWCD students are encouraged to apply to Texas A&M no later than October 15.
In addition to reinstating the use of standardized scores, UT Austin has made further modifications to its application process by introducing an Early Action (non-binding) admission option. The university’s optional Early Action deadline will require application submission by October 15, with a guaranteed decision communicated to applicants by January 15.
Although most FWCD students will apply to UT Austin by October 15, some may choose to retake their standardized testing and apply by the regular deadline of December 1. Applicants who apply by the regular deadline will receive a decision from the university by February 15.