At FWCD, students in grades 11 and 12 may apply to take Malone Schools Online Network (MSON) courses, which serve as a high school enrichment elective course and meet twice a week during the regular school day.

Each course takes a blended approach, combining synchronous instruction, real-time video conferencing seminars, with asynchronous instruction, recorded lectures and exercises that students complete outside of class. The result lies somewhere between a “flipped  classroom” and a “virtual Harkness table.” Each course has a minimum of six students and a maximum of 16, allowing for a virtual discussion seminar that is delivered in high-definition classroom setups.

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FWCD is the exclusive MSON location in Texas

2023-24 Course Offerings

World Language

  • Ancient Greek I
  • Arabic I and  II
  • Chinese Literature
  • Chinese Seminar
  • German I
  • Portuguese for Spanish Language Students

Humanities & Social Sciences

  • Advanced Microeconomics
  • Diversity in Global Comparative Perspective
  • Ensuring Equity: Gender, Feminism, and Media in 21st Century American Culture
  • Environmental Bioethics: Exploring the Challenges of Local and Global Choices
  • Establishing Equality: The History of Feminisms and Gender, 1792-1992
  • Etymology of Scientific Terms
  • The Fiction of James Joyce
  • Global Voices for Social Justice
  • Introduction to Playwriting
  • Making Ethical Medical Choices in a Diverse World
  • Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and Digital Literacy
  • Philosophy in Pop Culture
  • The Politics of Horror (or, The Horror of Politics)
  • Positive Psychology
  • Think Global, Debate Local
  • Turbulent Times: History of the First Amendment and Dissent During American Wars


  • Advanced Applied Math Through Finance
  • Advanced Topics in Chemistry
  • CSI: MSON – Forensic Science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Structures and Design Patterns
  • Differential Equations
  • Introduction to Organic Chemistry
  • Linear Algebra
  • Multivariable Calculus
  • The Science and Ethics of Sports Performance: Genetics, Biochemistry, and Sociology

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2023-24 MSON Consortium of Schools

Founded by John Malone of Colorado, the Malone Family Foundation has established scholarships for students in grades 7 through 9 who are in the top of their class and have the desire and drive to educate themselves to the very best of their ability, but whose families cannot afford the tuition and expenses required by leading independent schools. The foundation sought out excellent partners: independent secondary schools with an intense interest in educating the gifted and talented. FWCD is a founding member of MSON.

The foundation now supports 50 schools: 49 independent day schools and the Stanford University Online High School (OHS). The 49 independent schools each have received a $2 million grant to establish an endowment in support of a Malone Scholars Program at their school. FWCD is the only school in Texas with this distinction.

Fort Worth Country Day is a founding MSON school and the only location in Texas to provide MSON courses. In the 2023-24 academic year, 10 FWCD students are enrolled in three of the 21 MSON courses offered at FWCD. 

A steering committee of six heads of Malone Schools, including FWCD, established MSON with John Malone’s endorsement. MSON provides upper-level students at registered Malone Schools with a variety of superior online courses offered in online classrooms that enhance each member school’s existing curriculum. These courses promote the values of the Malone Family Foundation and are taught by teachers from other Malone Schools in the network. The teaching professionals are experts in their fields; they have experience with independent school education and share a commitment to excellence, small class sizes, and personal relationships. Students enrolled in these courses demonstrate sufficient independence and commitment to succeed in a virtual discussion seminar setting.

Fort Worth Country Day is a founding MSON school and the only location in Texas to provide MSON courses. In the 2024-25 academic year, there are 23 student enrollments in 11 out of 28 courses offered by FWCD. 

Fort Worth Country Day has an institutional commitment to the principles of diversity. In that spirit, the School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or national origin in admissions, the administration of its educational policies, financial aid, athletics, and other School-administered programs.