Ballet is the major dance form taught at FWCD. This is because ballet training gives dancers a solid foundation in several aspects of movement.
Lower School students may elect to take ballet training in the fourth grade during their physical education period. Students study ballet every day for the full academic year. This first year of ballet introduces the student to basic barre and center floor exercises with particular emphasis on correct posture, musicality and ballet terminology.

Middle and Upper school students may also take ballet for the full year during their sports period for athletic credit. Students are introduced to complex ballet exercises with emphasis on stability, strength, stamina and flexibility.
The program recognizes the importance of other dance forms. Students are also exposed to pointe, variations, pas de deux, jazz, modern, yoga and conditioning.
Performance opportunities increase the students’ style and stage presence. The ballet training at FWCD provides a solid technical foundation for the aspiring professional dancer and offers an enjoyable aesthetic experience for all students.