The FWCD Fund
A Message from the FWCD Fund Chairs
The Anderson Family
We are excited and honored to serve as FWCD Fund Chairs for the 2024-25 school year! For decades, we’ve seen how special FWCD is, and we are“all in” to help sustain FWCD as a launch pad for Falcons to soar. Our children, Walker ’23 and Margaret ’25, are FWCD Originals …, and Tasa got here as soon as she could (in second grade!), graduating in the Class of 1988.
We begin our 35th year of supporting The Fund, eager to continue and INCREASE the participation of Falcons “Backing the Plaid” to accomplish several outcomes. First, the financial part of donations to The Fund provides foundational support as a tuition supplement for ALL students. Donations also provide operational essentials across the campus to make the Falcon community excel in all areas … academics, athletics, arts. Lastly, giving to The Fund, we think, is simply the right thing to do, as a way of building pride, confidence and togetherness for all Falcons.
Your gifts, of any size, to The Fund keep FWCD in rare air as a premier private school … locally, regionally and nationally. It is often said that “many hands make lighter work” on a project … your support of that mantra could not be truer as you consider supporting The Fund this year! Think of it as a way to thank those who have supported in the past and as a way to pay it forward for the generations of Falcons on campus now and in the future.
Please donate to The FWCD Fund. Whatever reasons may compel you to participate, know that your support benefits the entire School community. FWCD is an amazing place with unlimited potential as we all lean in to jump forward together, growing the impact and success of FWCD as a place for students, faculty, and Falcons of all generations and interests to thrive!
Go Falcons!
Tasa (Lefler) ’88 and Frank Anderson
FWCD Fund Chairs 2024-25
Every Gift Benefits Every Child
The generosity of the Falcon community is unparalleled! Last year, The FWCD Fund raised over $1.2 million dollars in unrestricted dollars. For those who donated, we are grateful. The FWCD Fund allows the School to be responsive, innovative, and take advantage of new opportunities. This has always been at the core of FWCD, and it is through our Falcon families’ generous support that the School can provide meaningful experiences to each student. The FWCD Fund is built into the School’s annual operating budget and is the thread that enhances all aspects of our programming. Every gift benefits every child.
Join Keystone Council!
Make FWCD one of your philanthropic priorities and become a member of this impactful group. Making monthly payments from May to June can help you reach the Keystone Council level.
Ways to Give at FWCD
Tuition | |
Purpose | Primary source of operating revenue for the School. |
Timeframe | Assessed annually. |
Designation Areas | Tuition dollars allocated by a budget approved by the Board of Trustees. |
Solicitation | Enrollment contracts are emailed to families in January. |
Method of Giving | Paid online or by check to the Business Office. |
Impact | 88% of the School’s operations funded by tuition. |
Charitable Deduction | No |
FWCD Fund | |
Purpose | Funds educational initiatives and operational enhancements that tuition alone does not cover. |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Unrestricted, but can be designated in one of eight areas. |
Solicitation | Solicits contributions with the help of volunteers through direct mail, email, text and phone calls. |
Method of Giving | Gifts made each fiscal year by cash, check, credit card or stock transfer. |
Impact | Makes a difference in the life of current students, faculty and staff by providing necessary resources that would otherwise not be possible without support. $1 million in unrestricted giving and 100% parent participation is always the goal. |
Charitable Deduction | Yes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations. |
Supporting CAST | |
Purpose | Funds visual and performing arts activities that otherwise would not be supported. |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Restricted to the art programs. |
Solicitation | Solicits contributions with the help of volunteers through direct mail and email. |
Method of Giving | Gifts made each fiscal year by cash, check, credit card or stock transfer. |
Impact | Experiences enhance students’ artistic visions, open their minds to the arts world beyond FWCD and engage them in handson work with dynamic professionals. |
Charitable Deduction | Yes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations. |
Falcon Club | |
Purpose | Creates school spirit, support and enthusiasm for FWCD athletics throughout the School community. |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Supports the athletic and PE programs for JK-12 grade. |
Solicitation | Solicits membership throughout the school year via email, phone calls and at varsity home games. |
Method of Giving | Membership and merchandise paid by cash, check, credit card or billed to student accounts. |
Impact | Generates revenue to support the PE and athletic programs beyond the operational budget. |
Charitable Deduction | Yes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations. |
Parent Faculty Association | |
Purpose | Builds community among parents by hosting events and activities while also fundraising for the School. |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Determined by the PFA Executive Committee to help JK-12 students and faculty. |
Solicitation | Support for events like Carnival, Pumpkin Patch, Holiday Sale, Bingo or the Spring Party are via email, phone and text. |
Method of Giving | Support made by cash, check or credit card. |
Impact | Funds raised by the PFA go back to FWCD in the form of gifts requested by all divisions and areas of the School. |
Charitable Deduction | No |
Planned Giving | |
Purpose | Any gift that a donor includes in estate planning; allows the donor to keep more of what they have earned through their lifetime, but allows a far greater gift to FWCD in the future. |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Designated by the donor to support a specific area within the School. |
Solicitation | Contact the Director of Advancement at 817.302.3223 |
Method of Giving | Documented bequests and other estate planning vehicles, such as life income plans. |
Impact | Benefits future generations of FWCD students, and can have financial benefits to donor through annuity, etc. |
Charitable Deduction | Yes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations. |
Corporate Partners | |
Purpose | Feed and clothe your family while giving back to FWCD! |
Timeframe | July 1 through June 30 |
Designation Areas | Allocated to the Greatest Need area. |
Solicitation | |
Method of Giving | Shopping via vendors like Amazon Smile, Tom Thumb or Kroger; a percent of purchase goes back to FWCD. |
Impact | Every dollar to FWCD makes a big impact in the life of the School. But shopping through our partner vendors gives back while families purchase items they need. |
Charitable Deduction | No |
The FWCD Fund Committee
Special Thanks to The FWCD Fund Committee
The FWCD Fund Chairs
- Tasa (Lefler) ’88 and Frank Anderson
FWCD Fund Committee
- Christy and Jason Allen
- Kelly and Prichard Bevis
- Courtney and Robby Bourgeois
- Kathleen (Ross) ’02 and Alex Cammack
- Clara and Samson Cantu
- Cortney and Ryan Craft ’98
- Elizabeth (Hill) ’00 and Ed Deegan
- Danielle and Ben Dollahite ’06
- Christie and Chris Dull
- Mary Carolyn (Clay) ’93 and Ben Gatzke
- Erin and Perry Glover
- Courtney and Jeff Hess
- Keri (DeVos) ’04 and Bradley Hickman
- Melissa and Scott Huffman
- Elizabeth and Adam Hurley
- April and David Knight ’98
- Kendall and Andy Louis
- Tanya and Patrick McClanahan
- Carrie and Sean McPadden
- Keelie and Matt Montague
- Valerie (Bloch) ’01 and Jeff Montgomery
- Lauren and Braden Moore
- Amie and Brad Ogle
- Elizabeth and Michael Philpott ’08
- Barbara and Thurman Schweitzer
- Rosanne and Brian Sherrieb